Lifeways, Values, and Traditions

Our representation and Cultural text is simple and from Old Nde Stories. We encourage
you to culturally educate yourself. Speak to Elders, attend Ceremonies, and visit your Traditional
Yusen the Creator. Naya – White Painted Woman, the origin of women’s ceremonies, of
women’s sacrifice, and carriers of our traditions. Nayaneez – Puberty Ceremony, a rite of
passage. Child of the Water, Killer of Enemies. Ga’he/Gaan – Sacred entities, – 3 Sacred Beings
who are creators of our Culture and guides of Apache Lifeways.
Creation Stories are stories of our emergence. We defy the Bering Land Bridge Theory as
the Creator created us on this land and gifted us the responsibility to steward and protect this
Sacred Land. Ceremonies: sweat lodge, songs and dance, Isdzan (woman) – carriers of tradition.
Hodentin, Bita, Diyin, Power in good medicine.
Lifeways: Stories of plants and animals, respecting taboos as we gather and hunt. Our
Matriarchal camps. We harvest and flourish. We prefer the forested mountains and cross our
open valleys. We exalt truth and teach our young through ceremonies.
Traditional Territory Map
Nde is part of the Athapaskan Linguistic Family. Scattered throughout Western North
America, from Mexico to Canada and Alaska’s Arctic Circle, the Tinneh, Dine/Athabaskan,
Tinde, Sarci, and Nde art part of our creation.
Nde Major Groups: Jicarilla, Lipan, Kiowa-Apache, White Mountain Apache, San Carlos
Apache, Mescalero Apache, Aravaipa Apache, Ndee/Nnee, and Chiricahua Apache.
Chiricahua Apache Bands: Tsoka-ne-nde (Toes Upturned People), Tci-he-nde (Red Paint
People), Bidanku (Muddy Running Water People), and Nde-Nda-Ai (Surrounds the Enemy
Typically organized by Bands, though some Nde Tribes were organized as Clans, the
Chiricahua Apache and associated Bands historically have organized as Bands.
The Geronimo Memorial is a project requested by the Geronimo family, The Chiricahua
Apache Nation along with the Gila Hot Springs Community, the U.S. Forest Service, and the
U.S. Park Service facilitated, accommodated, organized, and designed the development and
building of the stone cairn Memorial.